November 2022
20 November 2022 - 18:18
Far cry 4 update
Server browser list updated for easy navigation.
Increased amount of damage inflatable boat can take.
Fixed scoreboard so that it now properly shows ping.
Fixed bug where players were missing their scoreboard (getting refreshed automatically now).
Fixed bug in mp_airstrip which lead to a server crash.
Fixed "CD Key In Use" issue with automatic server kick.
Added team kill punish and forgive system.
Added option to remove enemy nametags from cross-hair.
Added ingame text flood kicking (integrated with Punkbuster).
Added ingame server administrator panel for real time GUI admin capability.
Added GUI voting panel to initiate votes for map changes and kicking players.
Added GUI buttons for players to easily vote.
It is considered beta and will not be officially supported
Added command which allows the gameplay to start at a specific flag for training.
Added center red dot to the scope of the sniper rifle.
Added broadcast and spawn message capability.
Added automatic kicking of team killers for violating default limit (integrated with Punkbuster).
Several console commands have been deactivated and are only available in DEVMODE.
It cannot be installed for the 64-bit variant.
Note that this patch is for the 32-bit version of the game only.
Om Mig: